The clumping litter that puts an end to scattering outside the tray. The special shape of the pellets reduces sticking to the coat and paws, thus significantly reducing the amount of litter that has to be carried out of the litter tray. Cat’s Best Smart Pellets also use the absorbency of technologically refined active wood fibres, which effectively absorb urine, liquids and odours and encapsulate them deep inside – up to 7 times their own weight. Therefore Cat’s Best Smart Pellets can remain in the litter box for up to 3 weeks before a complete change is necessary.

Fill the tray with Cat’s Best cat litter up to a height of 5-7 cm.

Remove clumps and solid excretions regularly. The Cat’s Best cat litter shovel is designed especially for the easy removal of clumps.

Complete Change
The weekly cleaning of the cat litter tray is a thing of the past. A complete change of Cat’s Best cat litter lasts for up to three weeks.

Dispose of the litter and solid waste with the household waste. Individual lumps can also be disposed of via the household toilet, as they dissolve immediately in water. Please observe the local disposal regulations.